Information related to buying and/or selling a home.

june stats

Posted in Buying and Selling, Listing For Sale, Market Evaluation

Preparing for a mortgage renewal?

Posted in Buying and Selling, Home Finance

Housing Supply And Affordability

This article from REM magazine outlines the issues with housing supply and its affordability in Canada’s larger urban centres in the face of growing demand through immigration in the coming years.

Posted in Buying and Selling, Local News

Foreign Buyer Speculation Tax Increase

The Government of Ontario announced amendments to the Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST). The NRST applies to the transfer of land that contains at least one and no more than six single family residences. The NRST applies to: Individuals who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada Foreign corporations or taxable trustees. The NRST […]

Posted in Buying and Selling, Investing, Rebates

It’s a Beauty!

Posted in Buying and Selling, Listing For Sale, Team News

State of Emergency & Real Estate

The State of Emergency does not significantly impact real estate, as it continues to be an essential service. Live/in-person public open houses are prohibited, but Realtors may continue to help clients sell and buy homes. Impacts on Real Estate Short-term rentals for recreational purposes are effectively closed. If a booking was made prior to January […]

Posted in Buying and Selling, Home Renovation, Living, Team News