Green Homes

How do you know that you’re buying a ‘green home’? The Canada Green Building Council just introduced the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program ‘LEED’ Canada for Homes rating system. This third party certification program is perhaps the most rigorous in North America. If you’re considering a new build that is LEED certified, you […]

Posted in Uncategorized

Real Estate Buying Decisions – Women Make Up Their Minds Faster Than Men!

A recent survey of 1,000 people conducted by International Communications Research, delved into the inner-psyche of men and women, asking questions such as “How long did it take for you to know that the last home you purchased was right for you?” and   “If you found the home of your dreams but had concerns about […]

Posted in Living

Timing the Market

Don’t try to time the market.  Know when your timing is right! In today’s changing market, you may wonder whether it’s still a good time to buy or sell a home. The truth of the matter is, there’s no one right answer to that question. The real question to ask is whether it’s the right […]

Posted in Buying and Selling